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Perimeter es un innovador juego de estrategia en tiempo real que enfrenta a los jugadores entre sí o con oponentes de la IA en una lucha a vida o muerte por hacerse con territorio y establecer "perímetros" de protección críticos. Los jugadores conocerán la exclusiva función de "terraformación" del juego, que les permitirá mover, construir, edificar y destruir el entorno del mapa. Ambientado en un futuro en el que la civilización Éxodo ha abandonado la moribunda Tierra, el juego ofrece una combinación equilibrada de nuevos principios de terraformación y guerras territoriales con elementos de estrategia tradicionales.


La humanidad ha experimentado cambios radicales en la sociedad. Los científicos y los líderes espirituales se han convertido en una misma cosa, llamándose a sí mismos Espíritus. Los Espíritus, previendo la inevitable destrucción de la Tierra debido a los estragos de nuestro tiempo, dirigieron los esfuerzos científicos hacia el descubrimiento de un nuevo plano de existencia: la Psicosfera. La Psicosfera actuó como un conducto, proporcionando medios para alcanzar otro mundo intacto, una nueva Tierra Prometida, saltando entre mundos planos dentro de la Psicosfera. El nombre de Psicosfera es apropiado, ya que los distintos mundos se asemejan a los pensamientos y acciones que han tenido lugar en la Tierra a lo largo de su historia. Los Espíritus se embarcaron entonces en la construcción de enormes ciudades-nave flotantes llamadas Armazones, que podían albergar a cientos de miles de personas durante un periodo de tiempo indefinido. Una vez terminados los Armazones, los Espíritus los enviaron a la Psicosfera con la intención de conducir a su pueblo a la Tierra Prometida, dejando atrás la Tierra para siempre.

Perimeter Instruções de ativação

Perimeter Avaliações e classificações

Review by DrSepsis [user]
15 de junio de 2014

There's a lot of bad to this game and only a few redeeming features. In the 90s this would have been a somewhat enjoyable game, but not onlyThere's a lot of bad to this game and only a few redeeming features. In the 90s this would have been a somewhat enjoyable game, but not only are the graphics terribly outdated but so are the clunky interfaces.During the tutorial it would often skip ahead of itself mid-sentence before finishing its previous explanation. There are very few descriptions for what units and builds do, and most missions are a matter of figuring out what the level even wants from you before you can get working on it.Everything is slow and clunky and quite frankly it's absolutely baffling how this game has gotten such a good score to date.That being said, it's a little novel and for people who fans of building up big bases this game is appealing. However that's just about all this game has going for it.

Review by TomekG. [user]
5 de agosto de 2004

This game is odd... I thought it would be a materpiece but it is just boooring! Gameplay is the most annoying part: units are uninteligent This game is odd... I thought it would be a materpiece but it is just boooring! Gameplay is the most annoying part: units are uninteligent (could drown in a lake or die trying to traverse enemys' perimeter shield!), AI of Scourge is less than zero - they will attack still and still from the same direction. The strong side of the game is the story and graphics, and that is all...

Review by Nick [user]
27 de junio de 2004

This "RTS" can't offer any task for a mind, map is visible, player shouldn't choose which units to produce, the hardest stratigic This "RTS" can't offer any task for a mind, map is visible, player shouldn't choose which units to produce, the hardest stratigic choice is "from which side I should attack". Boooooriiiiiiiiiing.

Review by DanG. [user]
20 de junio de 2004

Awful tutorial, dull and obscure story, repetitive gameplay. Nice ideas - the units are genuinely fun - but the game is a resounding "meh" for me.

Review by McTremor [user]
24 de mayo de 2004

This game is very good. The graphics are..very detailed and generate a feeling of..softness..can't describe it any better. To make This game is very good. The graphics are..very detailed and generate a feeling of..softness..can't describe it any better. To make things short: This game ist made for the defensive type of RTS-Gamer..those who are not good in Starcraft against human opponents because theses type of gamers HATE to loose any units in all out attacks. I'm one of them...i like to build and fortify my position. In this game, most missions include the defense of your base, and very few missions have an "attack" subject...enjoy!

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento 21 de mayo de 2004
Editor K-D Lab, Codemasters
Classificação de conteúdo E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Modos de jogo Um jogador, Multijogador
Perspectivas dos jogadores Vista de pássaro / Isométrica
Gêneros Estratégia, Estratégia em tempo real (RTS)
Temas Ficção científica
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows)