Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Conhece alguém que possa gostar desse jogo?


Aqui, a ordem é mantida pela Igreja de Seiros, que abriga a prestigiosa Academia de Oficiais em sua sede. Você é convidado a ensinar uma de suas três poderosas casas, cada uma composta por alunos cheios de personalidade e representada por um membro da realeza de um dos três territórios. Como professor, você deve liderar seus alunos em suas vidas acadêmicas e em batalhas táticas de RPG baseadas em turnos, repletas de novas reviravoltas estratégicas a serem superadas.

Qual casa e qual caminho você escolherá?


A guerra está chegando ao continente de Fódlan.

Aqui, a ordem é mantida pela Igreja de Seiros, que abriga a prestigiosa Academia de Oficiais em sua sede. Você foi convidado para ensinar uma de suas três poderosas casas, cada uma composta por alunos cheios de personalidade e representada por um membro da realeza de um dos três territórios. Como professor, você deve liderar seus alunos em suas vidas acadêmicas e em batalhas táticas de RPG baseadas em turnos, repletas de novas reviravoltas estratégicas a serem superadas. Qual casa e qual caminho você escolherá?

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Instruções de ativação

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Avaliações e classificações

Review by hinst [user]
20 de abril de 2022

This is going to be a personal-opinion review where I will not try too hard to be objective.Fire Emblem Three Houses is pretty close toThis is going to be a personal-opinion review where I will not try too hard to be objective.Fire Emblem Three Houses is pretty close to being the best game of all time, only rivaled by The Witcher 3 and Elden RingLet's start with the negative stuff. What I disliked:* Locked on Nintendo Switch and not (easily) available on PC* Lackluster graphics; this is directly connected to the first point... The graphics could be better on platforms that are not as technically-challenged as Nintendo Switch* Paid DLCsNow here are the things that I liked:* A perfect length of 40 hours - not long enough to get bored* Tactical battles with many unique situations and challenges* No endless RPG grind, no RPG level-up BS: on normal difficulty, the number of battles you can fight is strictly limited, so the player starts each story-mission with what they've got and you cannot go back into an "open world" to level up a few more times. This is great for game balance; you will rarely feel overpowered* Awesome voiced dialogues that are neither too short nor too long. It is up to you whether you want to say something that people want to hear in response, or just have fun* The voice lines in combat are great too: attack, defense, concern, cheer up - they're all nicely done, and without those voice lines, the battles would not feel as immersive* Decent lore and story, which is way more than most games released since 2017 can offer* You can play favorites with the students. Of course, you will help everyone in the end, because the success of the mission depends on each one's ability, but you will just put that extra bit of care into teaching and equipping the few select students that you like the most. And before you judge me, remember that this is just human nature, and it always happens in real life whether we want it or not. We can completely eliminate favoritism only when we remove human supervisors from the equation entirely.* Flashy combat animations, detailed equipment and armors. Almost each piece of equipment has its own unique model* A cool protagonist. I usually pick female player character when I play games, but for my Fire Emblem 3-Houses walkthrough I picked a dude; and, surprisingly, I did not regret it! The dude is the very definition of "cool". This is again a stark contrast with the majority of modern games... Although the player character is silent and makes only few decisions that influence the story, it did not stop me from feeling impressed. The game makes you feel that you are the person who can get everyone alive through every battle, no matter the circumstances* The combat moves of the protagonist are satisfying to watch every single time, and protag's clothes & armors are nicely designed; this is equally true for both male and female versions.* A great selection of wives. In this regard, Fire Emblem 3 Houses is better than most "erotic" games could ever hope to be; because Fire Emblem presents you people with actual stories, personalities; it gives you the sense of bonding with someone who have been through a lot with you. You can go into battle with your "loved one" and observe the real consequences of your care: oh, you forgot to pack a healing potion for your wife? Well, tough luck! Now she's surrounded by bandits with no hope of escaping. Same goes for shields, swords and stuff. You better not misjudge what sort of weapon will be adequate for the next mission. The danger of failure makes you worried; however, seeing your "loved one" do well fills you with joy. When you see your wife dispatch bandits and crazed wolves with ease, or maybe save some of your students from an otherwise-hopeless situation, it is a very special feeling* A satisfying ending that does not feel rushed; which is something that many story-driven games struggle get rightOverall a great game that prolly deserves it's score of 8.8 on MetaCritic at the time when I wrote this review; I hope that Nintendo will cOnSiDeR creating a new Fire Emblem game after they release the upcoming Xenoblade 3.

Review by welliforgot [user]
15 de novembro de 2019

This is a game that focuses greatly on its strengths.Fire Emblem has always been a series about fun strategic combat with a varied cast ofThis is a game that focuses greatly on its strengths.Fire Emblem has always been a series about fun strategic combat with a varied cast of personalities at your command. If it had some weak points, it would be that the main plot would often feel contrived and bland, but this game doubles down on its strengths while lessening the impact of its weaknesses. Combat is now more varied than ever, with a stronger emphasis on customizable progression. As a professor, you have the ability to greatly influence the rate your characters learn skills and improve in specific areas. You can also choose battalions for your characters, a new addition to this entry, that adds more skills to use in combat. No other srpg just flows better and feels as fun to play. It's very enjoyable and engaging throughout the full 40+ hour campaign. Or I should say campaigns, since this game is highly re-playable with its branching stories. Also, the colorful cast of characters have somehow become even more colorful than before. Characters are now fully voiced and interact a lot with each others through conversations. It is a lot of fun to learn the history and personalities of each and every character through these, and some are quite surprisingly interesting the more you find out about them.Unfortunately, its weaknesses are still present, even if they're less glaring than before. The overall plot will still feel convoluted or just silly sometimes, when the game is begging to be taken seriously. But again, because the other areas of this game are just so enjoyable it does not lessen my enjoyment of this game in the slightest. If you have liked any of the past entries of this series, you will enjoy this game greatly as it adds to their strengths. Highly recommended to any fans of the tactical rpg genre as well.

Review by VG247
18 de setembro de 2019

Whatever path you choose, Fire Emblem: Three Houses is an absolute blast. It’s the best Fire Emblem title since Awakening, and it goes straight onto my list of must-play Switch games.

Review by DulceLinux [user]
2 de setembro de 2019

Que hermosa experiencia es este juego, la manera en que logra que te encariñes con tus estudiantes, que sientas el deseo de hacer que les vayaQue hermosa experiencia es este juego, la manera en que logra que te encariñes con tus estudiantes, que sientas el deseo de hacer que les vaya de lo mejor en la vida, de protegerlos, etc. Sin duda un juego excepcional.

Review by AsrielDreemur [user]
9 de agosto de 2019

All I can say is that Fire Emblem Three Houses nailed it in every aspect of the game, from the character design, unique classes, characterAll I can say is that Fire Emblem Three Houses nailed it in every aspect of the game, from the character design, unique classes, character progression and the story. For anyone who's not familiar about the Fire Emblem series and want to get into the game, this is a really good game to jump into, It have a beginner friendly mode where you can choose to prevent permanent death and it does not require you to play the previous installment to know the story since Three Houses is pretty much a stand alone game without any reference from the pass Fire Emblem games. With the addition of the monastery in the latest installment of Fire Emblem, it give players the freedom to interact with your favorite characters, doing side quest and leveling up your stats. The monastery could feel a little overwhelming at first, but it won't be long before the players get used to it. Unlike the previous Fire Emblem games, you are given much more freedom in term of selecting what classes you want to assign your units and there isn't to much of a restriction which I for once welcome the change. In Three Houses they have add in many more addition to the gameplay, one of the example is the addition of "Adjutant" which is a new gameplay mechanics that was not in the previous Fire Emblem series which you are allowed to assign this adjutant to accompany your units into battles. As for the story in the games goes, without spoiling anything it is as good as it can get which is what you would normally expect from a Fire Emblem game. There's a lot of replay value for the game as well since there's a total of three houses to pick from and with each of their own unique stories and endings.My personal verdictSoundtrack - 8/10Characters - 9/10Story - 10/10Game Play - 10/10Re-playable Value - 10/10

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento 25 de julho de 2019
Editor Nintendo, Koei Tecmo, Intelligent Systems
Avaliação Total 89%
Classificação de conteúdo T (Teen)
Modos de jogo Um jogador
Perspectivas dos jogadores Terceira pessoa, Vista de pássaro / Isométrica
Gêneros Interpretação de papéis (RPG), Aventura, Tático, Estratégia, Estratégia baseada em turnos (TBS)
Temas Guerra, Fantasia
Plataformas Nintendo Switch