It Takes Two

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Traga seu parceiro cooperativo favorito e juntos entrem na pele de May e Cody. Enquanto o casal está se divorciando, por meios desconhecidos, suas mentes são transportadas para duas bonecas que sua filha, Rose, fez para representá-los. Agora, eles precisam encontrar, com relutância, uma maneira de voltar para seus corpos, uma busca que os levará à jornada mais selvagem, inesperada e fantástica que se possa imaginar.

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It Takes Two Avaliações e classificações

Review by brennenmorrow [user]
26 de fevereiro de 2022

It Takes Two is the best co-op game I've ever had the pleasure of playing. It's a long game that offers so much, yet never gets stale orIt Takes Two is the best co-op game I've ever had the pleasure of playing. It's a long game that offers so much, yet never gets stale or predictable. This was 100% deserving of receiving GOTY for 2021. I recommend playing this with someone you're close with, whether it's a significant other, family member, or best friend. I played this with my dad and we had an absolute blast.

Review by LEVEL (Czech Republic)
16 de fevereiro de 2022

It Takes Two manages to combine cooperative acting in the level of many game genres, perfectly dose the pace and tell a serious story about parenting with a successful exaggeration. All this beautifully in a detailed fairytale-fantasy world, the exploration of which makes it a double joy.

Review by kia_salemi [user]
2 de fevereiro de 2022

Most boring game I've played ever. Wonder how it won goty award. 0 of 10 for me. Glad I've got it on ea play and didn't pay for it.

Review by Tomicsavo [user]
5 de janeiro de 2022

Great game, great story, every moment is very enjoyable, great visuals. One problem with it is that not all controllers are detected in localGreat game, great story, every moment is very enjoyable, great visuals. One problem with it is that not all controllers are detected in local co-op so we could only play online with a friend pass. They doesn't mention in advance that you can't co-op on one keyboard.

Review by MGamer490 [user]
23 de dezembro de 2021

My partner and I do not play co-op games too often, but I am always on the look out for one that might get us snuggling up on the couch forMy partner and I do not play co-op games too often, but I am always on the look out for one that might get us snuggling up on the couch for some video game fun, so when It Takes Two was shown it was immediately added to my list, it wasn't until seeing the game win Game of the Year for the VGAs 2021 that pushed me to finally download the game and what a great decision that was.Story - The story is quite simple, it is about a married couple named May and Cody who have fallen out of love and are organizing their divorce, this takes quite a toll on their young daughter - Rose who wishes for them to stop fighting and becoming close again, due to this wish, both May and Cody are transferred into the dolls that Rose made of them, and they are now on a journey to rebuild their broken marriage. My partner and I had a lot of fun with this, even though its predictable, seeing both May and Cody work together, starting as quite cruel to one another and gradually learning to care for each other again was really nice.Gameplay - This is a platforming game for the most part with co-op, but I have never seen a more diverse game in my life. There are 7 chapters overall, and the variety of gameplay elements here is truly outstanding, you will go from your usual platforming to riding Frogs, to controlling a flying machine made of underpants, to flying around in jetpacks fighting to steal keys from devil-like bat creatures, it is endless. I honestly stopped and looked at my partner very often and just said "This game is incredible, there are so many new things they keep throwing at you". Each chapter also gives May and Cody different items/weapons to use to help each other out throughout the game which just adds so much more to it.Cooperation - This is very much a cooperative game so if you don't have someone to play with whether it be locally or with a friend online, then you will not be able to play this game as it is strictly cooperative, this may be a barrier for certain people and that is a shame, that is probably my only negative but for this game to be as great as it is, it needs to be strictly a cooperative game, it is very much designed with this in mind and having a single player option would not provide the experience that is intended and might even sour the co-op experience if single player is being accounted for in the gameplay as well. I will say that there are a variety of gameplay elements here to that keep things fresh, neither my partner nor I ever felt like we were more in control of a situation when compared to the other, and we both felt like we had our parts to play to progress and help each other, it is so well designed and I cannot credit this amazing development team enough, they knocked this out of the park completely. My girlfriend and I would regularly clear a section and give each other a high 5 to celebrate, it really brought us a lot of joy.Difficulty - Now for me personally, the difficulty is fine but if you are like me and you have a partner or a person you are playing with that isn't super big on games, or is a casual gamer then there may be moments of struggle here, there are a lot of fun changes in gameplay that will require both of the players to be ready to change it up. Luckily for me, my partner handled everything mostly fine, there was one section where I had to grab the controller from her, but otherwise, aside from occasional moments to pause and explain, she was fine when playing. The game is not hard, but if you are playing with someone who doesn't play games often then you will need to be patient and assist them from time to time.Graphics & Level Design - All of the levels are so well made, May and Cody are dolls so everything is on a big scale compared to them, you get a nice balance of levels that look like something you'd recognize in a real life, but there are changes made to make it more like out of a kid's imagination and fantasy which works very well and makes the levels memorable. On Series X, the game is absolutely gorgeous and I just had to stop and stare multiple times, as did my partner.Competitive - There are mini games throughout each chapter that you can find and play with the 2nd player, these are competitive games so if you both want to take a break from working together and put your skills to the test against each other than this game has you back, like the levels, all the mini games are very different and there are 25 to find, of course my partner and I had to find them all.Final Rating - There is more I wish I could say about the game but the character limit.. Just know that there is a very good reason why It Takes Two made Game of the Year in the VGAs for 2021 and it should be enjoyed by more people. Of course without a 2nd player, this may be tough for you to do so, but if you can find someone, whether it be a partner, friend, or family member, then definitely do so, you won't regret the time spent with May and Cody.

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento 25 de março de 2021
Editor Electronic Arts, Hazelight Studios
Avaliação Total 90%
Classificação de conteúdo T (Teen)
Modos de jogo Multijogador, Cooperativa, Tela dividida
Perspectivas dos jogadores Terceira pessoa
Gêneros Aventura, Plataforma, Quebra-cabeça
Temas Ação
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S