Metroid Dread


Metroid Dread

Conhece alguém que possa gostar desse jogo?


Junte-se à caçadora de recompensas intergaláctica Samus Aran em sua primeira história Metroid 2D em 19 anos. A história de Samus continua após os eventos do jogo Metroid Fusion, quando ela desce ao planeta ZDR para investigar uma misteriosa transmissão enviada à Federação Galáctica. O planeta remoto foi invadido por formas de vida alienígenas cruéis e ameaças mecânicas assustadoras.

Samus está mais ágil e capaz do que nunca, mas será que ela conseguirá vencer a ameaça desumana que espreita as profundezas de ZDR?

Enfrente os implacáveis robôs E.M.M.I.: antes máquinas de pesquisa para extração de DNA, os imponentes E.M.M.I. agora estão caçando Samus. As tensões são altas enquanto você foge desses E.M.M.I. para evitar uma morte cruel e encontra uma maneira de derrubá-los. Descubra o que transformou essas maravilhas robóticas no flagelo da ZDR e escape com vida.

Sinta o poder de Samus crescer à medida que você ganha manobras e habilidades: adquira habilidades novas e familiares ao atravessar os diversos ambientes desse mundo perigoso. Faça parkour sobre obstáculos, deslize por espaços apertados, enfrente inimigos e batalhe pelo planeta. Retorne às áreas e use suas novas habilidades para encontrar melhorias, caminhos alternativos e uma maneira de avançar. Explore o mapa extenso, evite e destrua os robôs E.M.M.I. e supere o pavor que assola a ZDR.

Metroid Dread Instruções de ativação

Metroid Dread Avaliações e classificações

Review by Huyjustin [user]
23 de novembro de 2021

The game quite short doesn't mean it bad at all, it's a perfect mix between gameplay and story. Dreading you every step with E.M.M.Is sounds!

Review by weasleyes [user]
31 de outubro de 2021

This is a near perfect game. The game never crashed during gameplay. I did not run into a single bug in my play through. Both of these coupledThis is a near perfect game. The game never crashed during gameplay. I did not run into a single bug in my play through. Both of these coupled with a subtle but excellent story and top tier gameplay give me a lot of content to praise here. There is a reason metroid spawned an entire genre of game and this game shows why. The only complaints i had is that frames dropped a couple of times during end game high effect laiden moments and I did not like the double jump implementation here. There was an odd timing window that is so excessively different than on intuitively would think for a double jump in a game like this that it consistently felt odd and led to a lot of deaths. two small complaints for a game that excels in every other regard.

Review by We Got This Covered
28 de outubro de 2021

Metroid Dread can't commit to giving players an action-packed power fantasy or a suspenseful adventure against the odds. It's quick, short, and snappy -- all things that can be good when used right, but not at all what Metroid Dread set out to deliver.

Review by Ripper36 [user]
9 de outubro de 2021

Wow, what a hell of a game. Have always loved Metriod since 1989 on the NES. Weather its Prime or side scroller, i love them all. GraphicsWow, what a hell of a game. Have always loved Metriod since 1989 on the NES. Weather its Prime or side scroller, i love them all. Graphics are just top notch. Cut scenes to gameplay its a pretty game. The controls are great and the story is pretty good so far(just beat 4th boss) so i have more to play. But from what i have played i love. Brings in oldskool gamers to modern perfectly. You will die a few times before u get farther but its worth it. Great job NIntendo!

Review by Nintendo Life
6 de outubro de 2021

Metroid Dread is a triumphant return for both Samus Aran and developer MercurySteam. This is a super-slick, hugely entertaining and exquisitely designed entry in the Metroid franchise that plays better than anything we've seen from the series so far. With a bunch of fantastic new abilities, super tense and enjoyable stealth sections, plenty of great big boss fights and a story that fans will definitely enjoy, we can't really see how this one could have been any better. Best Metroid game ever? This could be the one.

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento N/A
Editor Nintendo
Gêneros Atirador
Plataformas Nintendo DS